The Resultati Team

Our team has over 80 years of combined experience tailored to help you achieve your growth goals. We have spent time in all areas of the retail industry as buyers, vendors, and analysts. We know what it takes to succeed in this market. We have successfully helped our clients grow for over 10 years. Our clients have reported record revenue, acquisitions by some of the largest companies in the world, and massive share gains. What can Resultati help you achieve?

Todd Ciresi

Todd Ciresi – President and CEO

Todd has over a quarter century of retail experience including roles in financial audit, merchandising, marketing, and sales working at Ernst & Young, Best Buy and Resultati.  He attributes much of the firm’s success to the relentless pursuit of results on behalf of his clients and customers; leveraging the retail know how and creating a team with shared values around them.  “I think one of the advantages of Resultati is building upon our experiences our team has.  As former merchants, who have sat in those chairs, we understand the pressures and requirements that a merchant is looking for in a brand.  We focus on long term win-win partnerships and not simply the short-term success.  Whether it is a multi-billion-dollar global brand or a start-up, the same attention and commitment to the value chain is used on every single engagement because retail is detail.”